Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Personality

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is considered to be a Sporting Toy Breed in the dog world. They love to play and be active and really enjoy being around their family. If they see anything in the yard or through the window, just know that they will be chasing after it. This is where the fenced yard comes in, you will need one with one of these dogs.

Kind hearted and gentle, this dog breed could also be considered some what of a lap dog. They just love to be close and snuggle up. They don't like to be left alone for too long, so they may become destructive if you do so. I would suggest, if you are getting one of these wonderful dogs that you have a pet companion for them, or even take them with you when you leave the house if possible. They are great with other dogs and most of the time, other cats. They are also good with children.

The Cavalier needs plenty of exercise so daily walks and some play time in the yard or house are in order. Lack of exercise with these dogs can also lead to destructive behavior out of frustration. Begin to socialize them at a young age if possible, this way they will be great with everyone and very balanced. These dogs just love people and they love to please. You could almost get them to do anything for a good treat!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Walking Your Dog

Every dog needs to be walked on a regular basis. It's key to keeping them happy and healthy and in our lives for a long time. Aside from being with you, that's the highlight of their day. You must remember that when walking your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that the walk is about them and you need to let them sniff, look around or mark. This is what dogs do.

This dog breed doesn't require as much exercise as some of the other breeds but it's still needed. Playing with them in the yard or even in the house makes them as happy as can be. You do need to keep in mind that these dogs do enjoy a good chase so if you have them in an unfenced area, they make take off after that squirrel or cat.

Cavaliers travel well and can adapt to almost any environment you put them in as long as you are with them. They aren't picky when it comes to their exercise routine just as long as you interact with them everyday in some way or another is what makes them content.